


Finding Resonance With Our World:
An Interview With Niels Henrik Gregersen

In this interview, Dr. David Robinson and Niels Henrik Gregersen discuss how scientific engagement enriches ministry, and consider the ways in which evolutionary biology, ecology, and natural disasters intersect with theology.

Learning to See the Moral Realm:
An Interview with Paul Nedelisky, Part Two

In Science and the Good: The Tragic Quest for the Foundations of Morality (Yale University Press, 2018), co-authors James Davison Hunter and Paul Nedelisky narrate the origins and development of the centuries-long attempt to discover a scientific foundation for right and wrong. The following is the second part of an interview with Paul Nedelisky, who […]

The Amorality of the New Moral Science:
An Interview with Paul Nedelisky, Part One

Paul Nedelisky | Our interview with Paul Nedelisky, Assistant Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia, about new moral science as part of a centuries-long attempt to discover a scientific foundation for right and wrong.

Attitudes Towards Science – Survey Report 2021

During the Fall Term 2021, the Regent Interface team carried out a campus-wide survey of attitudes towards science, answered by 97 members of the Regent College community. The results are now made available to raise awareness of trends among the community and to encourage further conversations on the issues assessed.

Science and Faith in Campus Ministry

Alan Chettle | Our interview with Alan Chettle, a Campus Minister with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship of Canada at the University of Alberta. Alan has a background in Engineering and undertook doctoral studies in Aerospace Engineering.

From Artificial Intelligence To Science In The Church: An Interview with John Lennox, Part Two

John Lennox | The second part of our interview with Prof. John Lennox explores his recent work on Artificial Intelligence and his views of how church leaders and church congregations might carry on meaningful conversations about science.

Mathematics And The Intelligibility Of The Universe:
An Interview with John Lennox, Part One

John Lennox | Regent Interface has recently interviewed Professor John Lennox. The first part of the interview focuses on Prof. Lennox’s work as a Mathematician and on his approach to the science-and-religion debate.

Two-Way Trust: Forging New Relationships in Theology and Science

David Robinson | "We’re equipping future Christian leaders to engage directly with forefront science. We want them to see that scientists can be allies, and vice versa."

Why Science Matters for Ministry

Deborah Haarsma | When should and shouldn’t Christians listen to science?  How can Christians bring a faithful witness to the public square?  How do we address tensions and misinformation in our churches? 

Attitudes Towards Science at Regent College – Survey Report

During the Fall Term 2020, the Regent Interface team carried out a campus-wide survey of attitudes towards science, answered by 163 members of the Regent College community. Review our results!

Dr. Francis Collins Awarded 2020 Templeton Prize

We express our warmest congratulations to Dr. Francis Collins for the well-deserved honour of being awarded the 2020 Templeton Prize.

Revisiting Coinherence

Ross Hastings | In much contemporary Western thought, science and theology are seen in opposition. Some find harmony or mutuality between the two fields. But few go as far as Ross Hastings to say the disciplines are coinherent.

The Art of Living for the Technological Age

Ashley Moyse | The crisis of techno-ontology is not a technological crisis, but an anthropological crisis writes Ashley Moyse in his newest book.

Considering God, Evolution, and Animal Suffering

An interview with Bethany Sollereder in advance of her summer lecture at Regent College, “God, Evolution, and Animal Suffering: Theodicy Without a Fall.”

Treating the Body in Medicine and Religion

Review of new book from Ashley Moyse about the ways genomic medicine and novel biotechnologies are creating unexpected possibilities for our bodies.

De-mythologizing the Science-Religion Conflict:
An Interview with Peter Harrison

An interview with Peter Harrison in advance of his summer course at Regent College, “Religion and the Rise of Science".

Creatio Ex Nihilo and the Sciences: An Interview with Yonghua Ge

Yonghua Ge | An interview with ACTS Seminary professor Yonghua Ge about the theological notion of creation “out of nothing” - creatio ex nihilo

Science, Pastoral Ministry, and Systematic Vision:
An Interview with Sarah Coakley, Part Two

A second interview with Sarah Coakley about her experience in hospital and prison chaplaincies, the category of "race"/racism, and what her scientific study means for her systematics.

Evolutionary Biology, Apologetics, and the Training of Theologians:
An Interview with Sarah Coakley, Part One

An interview with Sarah Coakley, Emeritus Norris-Hulse Professor at the University of Cambridge, about her work at the interface of theology and the biological sciences.

The Challenge of Christian Animal Ethics: An Interview with David Clough

An interview with David Clough, Professor of Theological Ethics at the University of Chester (UK) in advance of his public lecture at Regent College.

Bringing Beauty Back to Science

We asked a few big questions of Dr. Alister McGrath, our first Interface speaker.

Interview with Darian Goldin Stahl

Darian Stahl | Darian was recently awarded Canada’s prestigious Vanier Graduate Scholarship for arts-based research on the health humanities, patient narrative, and chronic illness.