Denis Alexander | If humanity is made in the image of God, what can we learn from genetics? How current scientific approaches to genetics square with a scriptural approach to human identity?
David Robinson | "We’re equipping future Christian leaders to engage directly with forefront science. We want them to see that scientists can be allies, and vice versa."
Deborah Haarsma | When should and shouldn’t Christians listen to science? How can Christians bring a faithful witness to the public square? How do we address tensions and misinformation in our churches?
Jennifer Wiseman | How does her work inform her faith? What does astronomy teach us about humanity's place in the universe? And (we couldn't not ask): what's up with aliens?
Matt Humphrey | How do we cultivate a right relationship to place and space in a mobile society? And is it possible to engage with these issues without getting political?
An interview with Bethany Sollereder in advance of her summer lecture at Regent College, “God, Evolution, and Animal Suffering: Theodicy Without a Fall.”